Howdy! It appears that you have come to this blog for the first time. In order to receive more useful posts like this, you can subscribe to RSS feed or receive latest articles to your email inbox. Thanks for visiting this blog, and have a good day. Holi(also spelled holli) is a spring festival observed […]
What topics would you like to read more posts on? [Poll]
Howdy! It appears that you have come to this blog for the first time. In order to receive more useful posts like this, you can subscribe to RSS feed or get latest articles to your email inbox for free. Thanks for visiting this blog, and have a good day. The last few months have seen […]
Who are the richest men in the world (in 2007-08)?
Howdy! It appears that you have come to this blog for the first time. In order to receive more useful posts like this, you can subscribe to RSS feed or get latest articles to your email inbox for free. Thanks for visiting this blog, and have a good day. Who are the uber-rich, the multi-billionares? […]
Mozilla, please give us a better browser in Firefox 4
owdy! It appears that you have come to this blog for the first time. In order to receive more useful posts like this, you can subscribe to RSS feed or get latest articles to your email inbox for free. Thanks for visiting this blog, and have a good day. Open Letter to the good folks […]
Comparison: WordPress vs Movable Type
WordPress and Movable Type are the two most popular blogging software around. WordPress was the forte of enthusiasts and wily bloggers, whereas professionals and serious bloggers endorsed Movable Type. Times have changed, and WordPress is endorsed by bloggers worldwide, including professional bloggers. Setup and Installation WordPress is much easier to install. The trickiest part is […]
WordPress problems and dilemmas
WordPress 2.3 was launched some time back, amid much fanfare. Most bloggers held out for bug fixes, and I did the same. Looking back, there were a few positives and some problems. Of course, WordPress 2.3 has some much-hyped features like: Native tagging support Canonical URLs Plugin update notifications Improved draft management: Draft titles are […]
Meme : My desktop revealed
It was a week back that Shankar tagged me on the MyDesktop meme that has been going around. I promised to take part, so this is the post for it. Shankar’s desktop was rather un-inspiring, but atleast not the now omni-present Vista Emulation pack(which I am sick of). However, most people do not take the […]
WordPress upgrade: Lessons learnt
WordPress was released on September 24th(maybe different in different countries), but I hung on to WordPress 2.2 for a couple of weeks. The reason was simple – WordPress is known for bugs and woes in the first release of a new branch. However, I read some frightening posts about vulnerabilities being exposed in previous versions. […]
Site Update: Top Commentators list, Weekly Linklove
The Top Commentator’s list is commonplace now. Most blogs get extra comments. However, of late, Top Commentators list is abused. The blogger is forced to deal with hundreds of near-spam comments. Many blogs have taken out the Top Commentator’s widget owing to this. While this blog is new, with fewer comments, I still feel that […]
Launching and
Last weekend, I had bought a new hosting account, and moved away from my old free account, to it. Due to some nameserver glitches, it took 28+ hours, and I was not at home then. So, the posts were not uploaded, and the site remained blank, and the condition of RSS feeds was no different. […]