What is Google juice? These days, everyone is concerned about SEO, and it is good to start from the basics. Google Juice, in essence, is the value that Google gives to your site, for having a priceless link from a good site. The value adds up for each link, and you get better search rankings! […]
Google acquires Panoramio and FeedBurner : spot a pattern?
Howdy! It appears that you have come to this blog for the first time. In order to receive more useful posts like this, you can subscribe to RSS feed or get latest articles to your email inbox for free. Thanks for visiting this blog, and have a good day. Google is at it again. They […]
Alternatives to Related Entries plugin by Wasabi
Wasabi’s Related Entries plugin is very popular with WordPress blogs. It allows you to insert a list of posts, which are related to the current post. This increases pageviews, and adds to the stickiness of the blog, ie. the time a visitor stays on your blog. Related Entries plugin is no longer updated which may […]
SEO for Firefox extension: Highlights nofollow, fetches PR
Today, every blogger and his kid(no offence 😉 ) knows what rel=”nofollow” attribute is. It is an important aspect in optimising your site for Google. Most bloggers use them to link to sites which they do not want to give credit to (like bad neighbourhood/competitors). It is an unwritten law of the blogosphere to link […]
Is Google becoming the next Technorati?
John Chow has been penalised heavily by Google, for link-bombing. He is now far behind the first page for both “John Chow” and “Make Money Online” search terms. There’s also reports that Google will drop his PageRank from the 6 to 4, in the next PR update. For several months now, John Chow had been […]
Bring back Show Desktop icon
The Show Desktop shortcut in the quick-launch bar is one of the most useful shortcuts for me. Most of my shortcuts are on the desktop, which means that I use Show Desktop every now and then to see the desktop to click some shortcuts. Last time I deleted the icon, I was quite irritated. I […]
Blogger loses domain name because of Gmail vulnerability
David Airey is a popular logo designer, and is even better known for his blogging at DavidAirey.com. He uses the blog as a platform to solicit potential clients, and has done so successfully enough to quite his day job and become a logo designer full time. He is also known for the active community of […]
Show me your permalinks in feeds
RSS feeds have to be one of the most popular ways of consuming a site’s content for the techies and geeks around. With more and more sites and blogs coming up everyday, and more being discovered by us everyday (thank you, StumbleUpon!), it is only sensible judgement that content should be pushed to the user […]
Do you experience RSS feed information overload?
RSS feeds have become quite popular among techies, as the easiest way to read content from sites. The old way of users checking sites have given way to the new way of ‘content-push’ from the site to the user. This means that reading content is easier than ever. With millions of sites and even more […]
Is Google’s penalizing of sites fair?
Google has been on a witch-hunt for paid links. They have already cracked the whip on TLA, and TLA responded meekly with the launch of ShoppingAds. Many popular sites, from mainstream media to blogs, have been penalized in terms of PR. Experts comprehend that the next step in penalty would be in terms of search […]