In WordPress, when entering posts, you might see the server error “Error 406, Not Acceptable. An appropriate representation of the requested resource /wp-admin/post.php could not be found on this server” I got this error only for a post some with code. On creating a new post without any code, it was saved without any trouble. […]
How to fix WordPress auto-update not working
Blogging software WordPress has had a built-in auto-update feature that downloads the latest files and updates itself with a single click, since version 2.7. Sometimes, the auto upgrade functionality does not work, no matter how many times you try. In some cases, the update fails silently and the site continues to work, but the worst […]
CCleaner Enhancer adds better system cleaning rules
CCleaner is my favorite crap cleaner. It does a good job of cleaning up a lot of files and software that are useless and bloated. Also, it is fairly accurate, so you rarely end up with a broken computer after running CCleaner (unlike some other aggressive cleanup apps out there). Being cautious has its price […]
WordPress custom pretty permalinks in MAMP (Mac)
MAMP is a web server for Mac. I use it for WordPress theme development. Out of the box, MAMP does not support WordPress custom URL formats (called clean URLs or pretty permalinks). While not a deal breaker, it can be irritating at times, for example, when you look at the local blog to get a […]
Free ESET NOD32 antivirus license
Eset Nod32 is a paid antivirus that includes the usual anti-malware features, and also anti-spyware. Nod32 also seems to have less degrading effect on system performance compared to other premium antivirus software. Even the cheapest version costs over $20 (converted from my local price, may vary with your locality). However, here is a method to […]
Detect BitTorrent throttling by ISPs
Since the explosion of BitTorrent traffic, ISPs have been looking at ways to reduce it in stealth. ISPs like Comcast in USA are infamous for using controversial (and possibly illegal) traffic shaping methods to selectively slow down torrent traffic without touching regular HTTP traffic. As much as the nature of files shared via torrents maybe, […]
Turn off Google web history for more privacy
Google Web History helps you search across web pages you have visited before. For most, this is actually a feature and not harmful. However, if you are paranoid about your privacy, here is how to turn off Google web history. Disable Google Web History Once in your Google account (do so if not logged in […]
Disable Windows Update auto-restart
In all recent versions of Windows(Windows Vista, Windows XP and Windows 7), the OS automatically restarts/reboots after running Windows Update, irrespective of the type of update (manual, automatic, scheduled). This might cause inconvenience if you work on the system at the time of an update. Any unsaved work will be lost in the auto-restart. The […]
Show only URLs in Firefox address bar
Firefox (version 3 and above) has had history and bookmark suggestions in its address bar, which it calls “awesome bar”. While this might be useful for some, there are users who prefer the old style of only URL suggestions in address bar. Furthermore, history suggestions might embarass you in front of others if you wanted […]
Recover form field text [Firefox addon]
Textarea Cache is one of those Firefox extensions that can save you a lot of hair pulling, because it auto saves whatever text you enter in HTML textarea elements (ie. text boxes). After installing Textarea Cache, any text you type in can be recovered in case of an OS or Firefox crash. This can be […]