Indian Railway has an SMS service to check ticket status using short codes. You can check train alert, PNR status, train status, seat availability, train schedule, train information, train time table and train fare . Information available on is used for the SMS service.Getting train-related information via SMS is provided by three websites recognized by the Indian Railway – Railzone, n4nuts and RailwaySMS.

Send the word TRAIN to 5676747 to get the list of keywords for each specific function. Or you can use the list below.

TL – Train List
TA – Ticket Availability
TD – Train Delay

Check for Trains between two stations

Send in the format TL [StationName] to 5676747. Make sure that the city name is a single word without spaces.

For example: TL Chennai Bangalore to 5676747.

Check for Ticket Availablity

To check for ticket availabiltiy, simply send an SMS in the format TA [Origin] [Destination] [Date] to 5676747.
Example: TA 1657 Chennai Cochin 24Dec

The service is available on BSNL, MTNL, Airtel, Vodafone, Reliance, Idea and Spice.

Check PNR status

Send PNR [PNR number]]to 5676747. For example, PNR 5784567891 to 5676747.

Similarly, you can get a list of commands for n4nuts by sending HELP TRN to 54959.

Send H to 57886 to get the list of commands to check train status, PNR number, ticket availability, trains between stations, list of trains, trains for particular time of the day etc.